Italian extra virgin olive oil
Olio extravergine d’oliva

Olive oil has always been a fundamental food of the Mediterranean Diet, from ancient Rome through the centuries to the present day. It is an integral part of Italian history and culture, recently recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Healthy food par excellence, given the high content of unsaturated fats, vitamins and antioxidants such as polyphenols and carotene.

His own history

The place of origin of the olive tree is Asia Minor, but there are traces of ancient crops throughout the Mediterranean Sea basin. Today the olive tree is also grown elsewhere, but the quantities produced in Mediterranean countries, especially in Italy, are far greater than the rest of the world.

In Italy, the olive tree has very ancient origins: pieces of wood, ripe and unripe olives, olive leaves and pits dating back to the sixth century BC. were found in the Sele plain near the temple of Paestum and in ancient Volcei, testifying to its cultivation since the time of Magna Graecia. Then spreading throughout the Italian territory it has come down to our time.

Olive oil is at the base of the food pyramid for a healthy and balanced diet.

Backbone of the Mediterranean diet, oil is always present on Italian tables: it is used to sauté ragù or as part of a marinade, as a cooking medium for fried food or simply raw on salads.

There are six categories of oil, of which the first has two sub-categories.

For simplicity, we can identify three main categories: olive oil, virgin olive oil and extra virgin olive oil.

The difference lies not only in the type of olives and in the procedure for obtaining the fruit, but also in its acidity: extra virgin olive oil must have a quantity of oleic acid that can reach a maximum of 0.8 g per 100 g.


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