Il SEME PELIGNO Specialists Sulmona’s red garlic ( Aglio rosso di Sulmona)
Via Cerrano, 52F – 67035 PRATOLA PELIGNA (AQ)
The farm Il seme Peligno is a family business like many Italian agri-food companies. Company that has been handed down from father to sons for many generations.
We founded IL SEME DEI PELIGNI for our great passion for the land and the cultivation of the characteristic products of the Abruzzo region, especially the territory of SULMONA and Pratola Peligna.
He is shareholder no. 55 of the consortium: Sulmona red garlic (Aglio rosso di Sulmona)
The current company was founded in 2015.
Our goals, ambitions and inspirations have come together to form a truly extraordinary company and we are all proud to be part of it.
Our mission is to do everything and more to make sure customers are satisfied and come back to us in the future.
Sulmona red garlic and its peculiarities
We specialize in the production of a variety of garlic, Sulmona’s red garlic (Aglio rosso di Sulmona), which has been included among the traditional Italian food products of the Abruzzo region.
What is special about Sulmona’s red garlic?
The difference is immediately noticeable in the kitchen!
Its characteristic red color and the remarkable size of the bulb make it different from the usual more common white garlic;moreover, compared to the latter, it is smaller and has numerous active ingredients that give it a slightly spicier flavor.
Sulmona’s red garlic is rich in many nutritional properties, so precious for health that it can also be used in the pharmaceutical field.
It is widely used as a medicine, in herbal medicine and for the extraction of essential oils.
Sulmona’s red garlic (Aglio rosso di Sulmona) is the only Italian ecotype in which the process of release of the floral scapes takes place regularly every year.
Thanks to its characteristics of high shelf life, the product can be stored until March-April, for almost a whole year, keeping the head tight, firm and compact, as well as the spicy aroma, especially because it does not have the aptitude for pre-sprouting.
The historical production area is the Peligna valley in Abruzzo.
In this area we find the municipality of Pratola Peligna and the surrounding municipalities, such as Anversa degli Abruzzi, Bugnara, Corfinio, Introdacqua, Pacentro, Pettorano sul Gizio, Popoli, Prezza, Raiano, Sulmona, Roccacasale and Vittorito.
Our company is located right in the municipality of Pratola Peligna, one of the most favorable areas for its cultivation.
The Farm il seme dei peligni and the red garlic sulmona traditions
Sulmona’s red garlic (aglio rosso di Sulmona), as well as in the pharmaceutical field, is mostly used for fresh consumption in the kitchen.
Its uses are innumerable in many traditional dishes of Abruzzo cuisine and beyond.
Exquisite traditional recipes are characterized by the presence of its bulbs and floral scapes, also called tolle, clods or crastatelli, which resemble asparagus, but with a different and unmistakable flavor.
The culture of garlic in Abruzzo society is so deeply rooted that in the past it was customary to make children who had intestinal problems wear a garlic necklace.
Braids of garlic were hung behind the doors to keep witches away from their homes.
Other legends tell that the god Hermes gave it as a gift to Ulysse to resist the lure of the sorceress Circe.